商標是識別自己的商品、服務與他人的商品、服務的標記,但如果突然收到“商標侵權”警告書,要求停止一直在使用的商標並需要賠償損失的時候,那麼我們應該採怎樣應付? 有些什麼防衛手段來維護自身的權益呢?下面我們就來總結幾點收到“商標侵權”警告怎麼辦的要點:
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
查閱其它公司的商標申請可以通過申請快報等途徑,在發現有問題的商標申請時,可以利用“提供情報制度”來防止商標註冊機構誤審。而情報提供是每個人都可以做的,但前提是應該在商標註冊申請仍然處於商標註冊機構權屬的階段內進行。但情報提供局限於下列情況:(1)違反商標註冊的必要條件;(2)無法獲得註冊的商標:(3) 已有先申請的商標。也就是說,情報提供應該針對不具備識別你我商品、服務功能和有先申請、先註冊的商標時的情況。而情報提供必需提交能夠證明符合情報提供理由的刊物和已先申請註冊的商標的申請書影印本等,供商標審查官審查和審判官審理。
(1) 商標權人、專用使用權人、通常使用權人的任何一方都未使用該註冊商標;
(2) 連續三年以上未在本國內使用的註冊商標;
(3) 指定商品、指定服務未使用註冊商標;
(4) 未使用在社會共同觀念上被認為與註冊是同一範圍的商標;
(5) 因不使用而被提出撤銷商標註冊審判的被請求人,不能證明不使用的正當理由或者證明在使用的事實時。
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
While the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) doesn’t actually recommend hiring a patent lawyer when filing for a patent application, experienced inventors highly recommend it for newbie inventors. The reason: The patent application and maintenance process including settlements and litigations can be complicated so much so that a non-lawyer can find it overwhelming. Even a single mistake can mean financial loss for the inventor, such as when other steal and profit from his inventions.
The next question: Who should you hire – a local lawyer or a national lawyer?
Advantages of a Local Lawyer
If you’re more comfortable working with a local lawyer, then hiring one makes sense. You may have established a good professional relationship with him, researched his background and track record, and relied on a mutual friend’s recommendation, among others. You may just like the convenience of meeting with your lawyer at a moment’s notice, so to speak, to present your prototype or process.
During these meetings, you can actually demonstrate your invention and show its novelty, utility and non-obviousness. You appreciate the proximity of your lawyer’s office in setting up appointments.
Advantages of a National Lawyer
But you may want to look farther than your neighborhood for many reasons. First and foremost, the patent law of the United States has a national (i.e., federal) scope so it’s neither governed nor regulated at the state and county levels. By its nature, patents are valid in the entire country although their validity will only be recognized in the United States, not beyond its borders, as a general rule.
The bottom line: The patent protection you’re seeking will have a national scope and, as such, hiring a local attorney particularly a member of the state bar isn’t as relevant as you may think it is.
There’s also the fact that patent attorneys should be registered with the USPTO for them to be recognized as authorized counsels of the inventors they represent. Furthermore, they are authorized to represent their clients in any place in the world.
This means that where the USPTO is concerned, you and your lawyer don’t even have to meet in person at any time during the patent application process. With technologies like emails, video calls, and messaging, you and your attorney can discuss issues, provide updates, and make decisions without meeting face-to-face.
In fact, foreign nationals can file U.S. patent applications through their U.S. attorneys without the need for face-to-face meetings! Every information can be transmitted and received through electronic means, not to mention that patent applications can be made online.
Your attorney’s location isn’t an issue with patent applications. The pertinent documents including the description, drawings and diagrams can be emailed in the required format. The reply from the USPTO can also be done in the same manner.
Instead of worrying about the proximity of the attorney to your home or office, you should concentrate on the appropriate qualifications.
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
Patent infringements are a common occurrence, especially in a world where new products are designed, manufactured, and sold worldwide and where copycats are a dime a dozen. Many of these infringements become lawsuits or litigations that affect both the complainant and the defendant. The effects can be surprising, too, such as when the complainant ends up shouldering huge litigation expenses that could have been avoided if an amicable settlement was made. Here take a look on the U.S. patent infringement lawsuit for ease of understanding.
The bottom line: Be careful about filing a patent infringement lawsuit because it can have unforeseen consequences. But if you have a great patent lawyer and you have just cause, then you may well benefit from filing it. Here are a few things that you may want to know.
Specific Venue
All patent infringement actions have to be filed in the United States District Courts, the general courts of the country’s federal court system. The venue makes sense because patents are considered national in scope and, thus, their litigations should be heard in a national (i.e., federal) court.
Since there’s at least one judicial district for every state, as well as in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands, the issue of geographical location shouldn’t be a big deal. Currently, there are 94 judicial districts in 50 states and the territories.
Prescription Period
The patent infringement action should be filed within six years, maximum, after the date in which the infringement occurred in order to recover damages. Unlike other statutes of limitations, furthermore, the six-year period can be extended when the parties agree to it. For example, a tolling agreement can be in effect while the settlement negotiations are in progress.
But the six-year prescription period cannot be extended by reason of concealment or fraud. For example, if you discover that your invention was incorporated in a machinery 10 years after the fact, you’re unlikely to sue for damages if the infringer covered up the use. We have to say that the rules and regulations of patent infringements don’t automatically favor the patent owner or holder.
Judge’s Decision
While patent infringement lawsuits can be under a jury, the judge alone has the responsibility to interpret the claims for patent ownership made by the plaintiff and the counterclaims of the defendant. The judge and/or jury examines the patent and makes comparisons of the elements made in the lawsuit, said comparison being between the patent’s design and the infringer’s product or process.
From the comparisons made, the judge or jury then decides on the merit of the plaintiff’s claims actually and significantly cover the defendant’s product or process. In case of a read on, the legal term used to describe the plaintiff’s claim covering the product or process, then an infringement offense can be considered.
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
In the United States, patents grant their owners the exclusive manufacture, use and sale, among other ownership rights, of the inventions. These are considered as grants of limited monopoly granted to inventors by the federal government, specifically by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). But in a world filled with copycats, patents aren’t always respected by the non-holders, an action that can result in patent infringement.
Prohibited Acts
Did you know that patent rights are older than freedom of speech and freedom of the press? Patent rights are actually included in the U.S. Constitution, which was adopted in 1787, under Article I, Section 8! Many of the basic American rights were only established in the Bill of Rights in 1791 or 14 years later.
Through the years, the implementing rules and regulations of patent rights changed in accordance with the times. In the 21st century, these are governed by 35 United States Code, a federal law.
Why are these things important for an inventor to know? If you read the code in its entirety – or at least, gain a basic understanding of its provisions – you will have a deeper understanding of patent infringement.
In a nutshell, patent infringement is the commission of a prohibited act regarding a patented invention without the current patent holder’s or owner’s permission. Keep in mind that patents are property and, thus, these can be bought and sold – the current patent owner must be aggrieved by the commission of the prohibited act. The act can take the forms of making, using, selling or offering to sell, and importing the invention or its equivalent.
Emphasis must also be made that no patent infringement action can be started without a valid patent issued. But inventors can secure pre-grant protection under 35 U.S.C. § 154(d) or file a provisional patent application (PPA).
Wilful and Unintentional Infringement
Wilful patent infringement refers to the deliberate commission of the prohibited act on the part of the offender. Unintentional patent infringement isn’t an excuse for committing it, an adjunct to the principle that ignorance of the law doesn’t excuse the offender.
The former typically involves the offender ignoring the fact that a patent for the product or process already exists and going ahead with its manufacture, use or sales. Many copycats are guilty of this type of patent infringement.
The latter can arise from the cliché that great minds think alike. In many cases, two inventors create essentially the same invention even when they work independently (i.e., the other has no knowledge about the other’s work). In these cases, the general rule is that the inventor who applies for a patent and who has sufficient proof that he was the first to make the invention will be awarded patent rights.
Do you have issues about patent infringement? You should consult a patent attorney for legal advice ASAP!
It is also vital to submit your patent application ASAP. As the patent application is quite professional, we suggest hiring an experienced patent attorney for individuals and organizations.
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has strict requirements regarding patent applications for good reasons. Patents, after all, grant their inventors and/or owners the exclusive right to make, use and sell the products and/or processes covered. The USPTO are then extremely careful in granting patents and, in the process, can reject applications based on the smallest detail.
The bottom line: You have to start on the right foot when preparing your design patent application. You should ideally hire an experienced patent lawyer for this purpose. You must, however, still be on top of things, so to speak, by learning the basics including the ones discussed below.
Submitting the Right Documents
The USPTO provides two options for filing design patents: first, via paper application; and second, through its website (online). If you’re filing via the first option, you have to send the application documents by Express Mail. If you’re using the second option, you must convert these documents including the application and drawings to PDF format; there are electronic forms available on the USPTO website.
In both cases, you have to submit certain documents including:
Be sure to read and understand every line of these documents as a precautionary measure. You don’t want your patent application returned or rejected due to a clerical error, among other possible mistakes. You also want to increase the chances of your request patent being granted, not to mention that the USPTO generally doesn’t give refunds even for rejected applications.
Getting the Entries Right
Due to the complexity of the documents, especially the drawings, you should seriously consider hiring experts including a patent lawyer and a graphic designer. You will still retain ownership over the patent once it’s granted obviously.
For the specifications document, here are a few things to get you started:
You can be descriptive with your invention description in the Feature Description field but avoid using flowery words, exaggerations and the like.
For the drawings, keep in mind that the USPTO prefers technical and stylized drawings of inventions. Every element, from stippling and linear shading to using colors and patterns, has a specific meaning so be careful about submitting haphazard drawings. While you can initially submit informal drawings, you will still be required to provide formal drawings by the USPTO examiner before your application can be acted on.
As the patent application is quite professional, we suggest hiring an experienced patent attorney for individuals and organizations.
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所
After filing an initial application for trademark registration, it can be problematic, too. The problem can start with a response to one or more of the solicitations from private companies, a problem that can be prevented if and when you exercise extreme caution when dealing with these offers.
Here are the things that you should be aware of about trademark-related solicitations.
Cold Calling Is the Norm
Solicitation come in two forms: first, an offer of service for trademark initial application; and second, a notice of an approaching trademark filing deadline accompanied by an offer of service. In both cases, there’s usually a fee for the performance of these services.
Your next question is: Why did you get these solicitations from private companies? Keep in mind that when you file a mark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the information on the application form will become part of the public database. As such, the general public can access your information including your full name and street address.
The private companies sending these solicitations use the USPTO database to identify the individuals and organizations that have filed applications and have upcoming filing deadlines. But always remember that you are never required by the USPTO and other regulatory agencies to use their services in any manner and form.
Beware of the Legitimacy of the Services
Let’s say that you consider the solicitation because it appears legitimate. But don’t plunge with both feet, however, as not all of the services offered are legal and legitimate. You have to exercise extreme caution in considering the types of services offered, especially if these seem too good to be true.
For example, offers for assistance in making an appropriate response to an office action (i.e., a letter from the USPTO detailing the substantive reasons for its refusal to register your mark). But if it’s an offer to record your trademarks in a non-public registry, you should ignore the solicitation – a private registry of trademarks isn’t recognized under present trademark laws in the United States.
Fortunately, you can easily tell the difference between official USPTO notices and potentially misleading offers. For one thing, the official correspondence regarding your initial application or maintenance of registration will be addressed as from the United States Patent and Trademark Office from its national headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. All e-mails will have “@uspto.gov” as the domain name; if it isn’t, your alarm bells should be ringing.
For another thing, the notice from dubious private companies offering trademark registration services can have threatening words to emphasize the urgency of an upcoming deadline. Don’t believe the deadlines stated on these notices – instead, use the Trademark Status and Document Retrieval feature on the USPTO database to check the deadlines.
Ultimately, you have the responsibility to protect yourself against scams, especially as the USPTO doesn’t have the legal authority to prevent private entities from sending unsolicited offers and notices.
As the trademark application is quite professional, we suggest hiring an experienced trademark attorney for individuals and organizations.
資料來源: CtR智群知識產權事務所